Club 19 - (RU) Информационно-правовой центр Априори

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The name of Club 19 is related to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was adopted in December 1948, and the article no. 19 is: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. 

The aim is to increase the civil consciousness and legacy culture, development of critical thinking, pluralism of opinions and views via alternative forms of culture.

The aspiration for freedom of expression was the basic idea of creating the club. The most important advantage which club gives is the comfort atmosphere for aboveboard discussions about the actual problems of society, active participation in finding the solutions; it is the place for self-education and self-development.

From Tuesday till Thursday there are news discussions, documentary screenings and discussions, lectures, open discussions, trainings with lawyers, journalists, public figures, psychologists, health-workers, debates, foreign languages clubs, etc. in the club. Guests can take part in discussions, seminars, workshops and art events. Participants always have the opportunity to try themselves in different kind of activities: from hand-made craft till public debates.

Friday and Saturday in the club is the time for artistic films screenings, concerts, literary evenings, entertainment events, intellectual games and boardgames.

Also we have special weeks during the year: Antidiscrimination week, Freedom of Speech week and Human Rights week. All of these weeks events are connected with the topic and also we invite special guests, who has the experience in these domains. The agendas of these weeks from previous years you can find below in Russian.

If you have any ideas and you want them become true, you are always welcome to do it on the platform — Club 19.

Club 19 was created with support of People in Need organization from Czech Republic.


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